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Kat has prepared 350+ interviews, and has conducted more than 600 technical interviews herself. She leads technical interviewer trainings for hiring manager and in-house tech team members who will be the ones interviewing their future colleagues. She was the CTO of 2 startups after having a decade-long career in Machine Learning and software engineering.

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Blog Author and Principal Tech Interviewer

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Get the Job Description Right to Hire Top Tech Talent

Posted by Kat Stam | August 29, 2024

Write an effective Job Description

Write the perfect Job Description

Writing an effective job description is crucial for attracting top tech talent and ensuring a smooth hiring process.

A great job description not only clearly outlines the role but also engages the right candidates.

To write a perfect job description, it's essential to focus on both format and structure, incorporating best practices that highlight key responsibilities and qualifications.

Quality job descriptions provide clarity while remaining concise; using actionable tips and examples can guide you in crafting yours. In this article, we'll explore the best practices for writing a compelling job description, ensuring it stands out and draws in the right tech talent.

Why does it matter?

Sometimes, when companies hire for an open tech position, they take extra care to consider the soft skills a candidate needs to possess and forget to mention all required and desired tech skills applicants must have to be able to pass to the interview stage.

Why does this matter? This list of required and desired skills will serve as a check point during quarterly reviews in the future. It will be the guiding star when deciding whether the new hire meets and exceeds expectations. And, of course, it is best to list those requirements as early as possible - even in the job description.

Other times, the hiring team concentrates too much on the tech skills needed in the company that they forget to mention what soft skills a successful candidate must possess.

Why does it matter? If you need the lead engineer to be able to have productive conversations with sales and leadership, for example, they need to have great communication skills and to be able to translate complex tech concepts into simple words.

Job Description Format and Structure

Long unclear job description without a structure

You can decide to leave the job description in a series of lists - listing the desired and required skills for the job, enumerating the benefits you provide as a company alongside the responsibilities the hired person will have.

I like text formats - either a word document or a PDF which can be sent as attachments in emails and messages, or text which appears on your career page.

Guide to writing the perfect job description

Follow these simple steps when writing your effective job description

  • write the Job Title
  • list the REQUIRED skills an applicant should have
  • list the DESIRED skills which will give applicants an edge
  • enumerate the responsibilities of the job
  • list the benefits you offer as a company including salary, days off, perks and other great-to-have offers
  • list What Is It In For Me? from the applicant's perspective
  • mention who the hiring manager for this position is
  • specify the end date until when applicants can send their applications to you
  • add the point of contact - their name and contact information (email most likely, phoen number, etc.)