save 25 man hours at the tech interview stage

How to save 25 man-hours at tech interview stage

When hiring, companies prefer to keep the technical interviewing in-house. This means that they select developers from their teams to interview the applicants who have reached to the tech assessment stage. Here is the hidden cost of that in terms of man hours.

Posted by Kat Stam | July 10, 2024
Best Practices for Tech Interviewers

Best Practices for Tech Interviwers

Here is a list of best practices our team of professional tech interviewers compiled after conducting more than 1000+ technical assessments. These practices are useful to both technical and non-technical professionals.

Posted by Kat Stam | June 25, 2024
Technical Interview Feedback How To

Technical Interview Feedback How To

Many struggle with providing feedback after technical interviews. It may be because it feels time-consuming, difficult to send, or hard to come up with. Here is how to write the interview feedback in less than 10 minutes and send it to the candidate.

Posted by Kat Stam | June 13, 2024
How to help candidates relaxed when nervous during an interview

Here is how to help a nervous candidate relax during the interview

Interviews are stressful, even for the most confident candidates. We, interviewers, though need the candidates to relax and feel comfortable so they shine and make our job easy when selecting the perfect fit for the job opening. Here is how to create a welcoming environment during the interview so the candidates feel like they take part of an interesting conversation.

Posted by Kat Stam | June 6, 2024
3 common tech interview formats, or how to test developers

3 common tech interview formats

Every single tech candidate passes though an assessment - of their skills and knowledge. Here are the 3 most common formats tech interviewers, or interview engineers, follow to structure the tech assessment.

Posted by Kat Stam | May 29, 2024
Practical tips: design a rock-solid interview process for your tech job openings

Practical tips: design a rock-solid interview process for your tech job openings

Long and impractical interview process cost money and put off the best candidates from applying. Here is how to design a 3-stage light-weight technical interview process which saves money, saves candidates time and finds the right fit for the job.

Posted by Kat Stam | May 27, 2024
The 7 worst mistakes to make as an interviewer while recruiting

The 7 worst mistakes to make as an interviewer while recruiting

When candidates make mistakes during an interview, they don't get the job. When companies make mistakes during an interview, they hire the wrong people, waste their best people's time, decrease productivity, lose money, and maybe, have to replace the new hire 6 months after their start date. Here are the top 7 mistakes to avoid when interviewing candidates.

Posted by Kat Stam | May 22, 2024